--- title: "Bullhorn #39" date: 2021-12-03 15:00 UTC tags: news category: bullhorn type: text --- ![Ansible Bullhorn banner](/images/bullhorn-banner-mango.png) *A Newsletter for the Ansible Developer Community* *Issue #39, 2021-12-03 ([Past Issues](https://us19.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=56d874e027110e35dea0e03c1&id=d6635f5420))* Welcome to the Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible developer community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, please reach out to us at the-bullhorn@redhat.com, or chat with us in the [Ansible Social room on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#social:ansible.com). ## KEY DATES [cybette](https://matrix.to/#/@cybette:ansible.im) contributed > * 2021-12-06: ETA for Ansible-Core 2.12.1, Ansible-Core 2.11.7, and Ansible-Base 2.10.16 releases > * 2021-12-08: [community IRC meeting](https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539), 18:00 UTC (propose topics [here](https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues)) > * 2021-12-09: [D&I working group meeting](https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/577), 19:00 UTC > * 2021-12-14: [ETA for Ansible 4.10.0 release](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/roadmap/COLLECTIONS_4.html) (last expected release of Ansible 4.x) > * 2021-12-15: [community IRC meeting](https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539), 18:00 UTC (propose topics [here](https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues)) > * 2021-12-21: [ETA for Ansible 5.1.0 release](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/roadmap/COLLECTIONS_5.html) > * 2021-12-21: [Bullhorn #40 content deadline](https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/546) ## GENERAL NEWS UPDATES [Gwmngilfen](https://matrix.to/#/@gwmngilfen:ansible.im) shared > ## Making community participation more inclusive > > Hey there! The Ansible Community Working Group has been looking at how to make our discussion process more inclusive - currently we use a very real-time format which we recognise limits participation. > > There is a discussion (and draft proposal) currently happening [on GitHub](https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/38) as to how to improve this. We'd really love to get more feedback on what you'd like to see to improve the discussion in the Ansible Community. Please come talk to us, either on the GitHub Issue, or [here in chat](https://matrix.to/#/#social:ansible.com). ## MAJOR NEW RELEASES ### DevTools [↗](https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible) VScode extension, language server, linter, molecule, runner, navigator and potentially other development goodies [ssbarnea](https://matrix.to/#/@ssbarnea:matrix.org) contributed > VSCode extension v0.7.1 released: https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/discussions/347 ### Ansible [↗](https://github.com/ansible-collections) **Ansible** is the full-fat package containing Ansible Core & the Community Collections [cybette](https://matrix.to/#/@cybette:ansible.im) said > Ansible 4.9.0 has been released: https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-devel/c/rRf0dks0XiE [dmsimard](https://matrix.to/#/@dmsimard:libera.chat) contributed > ansible 5.0.0 has been released: https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/t0JoB6evpt8 > Ansible 5.0.0 includes the newly released ansible-core 2.12 as well as a curated set of Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins. > This is a major version update from Ansible 4.x which included ansible-core 2.11 and there may be backwards incompatibilities in the core playbook language. ([Porting guide](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/porting_guides/porting_guide_5.html)) [dmsimard](https://matrix.to/#/@dmsimard:libera.chat) contributed > ansible 5.0.1 (hotfix) has been released: https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/t0JoB6evpt8/m/krFCR5o9CgAJ > The hotfix raises the minimum version of python for the ansible package from >=2.7 to >=3.8 in order to match ansible-core 2.12. ## COLLECTION UPDATES [felixfontein](https://matrix.to/#/@felixfontein:libera.chat) contributed > community.crypto 1.9.7 and 2.0.1 have been released with some bugfixes [felixfontein](https://matrix.to/#/@felixfontein:libera.chat) contributed > community.general 4.1.0 and 3.8.2 have been released! [mcorr](https://matrix.to/#/@mcorr:matrix.org) shared > The [stackhpc.pulp Ansible collection v 0.2.0](https://galaxy.ansible.com/stackhpc/pulp) has been released. This collection builds on the modules available in pulp.squeezer, adding roles for repositories, publications, distributions and content guards, as well as one for creating Django users. This helps to reduce the boilerplate involved, and makes the configuration more ‘declarative’. [andersson007_](https://matrix.to/#/@andersson007_:matrix.org) contributed > `community.mysql` 2.3.2 has been released [andersson007_](https://matrix.to/#/@andersson007_:matrix.org) said > community.postgresql 1.6.0 has been released [andersson007_](https://matrix.to/#/@andersson007_:matrix.org) said > `community.mysql` [3.0.0](https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.mysql/blob/main/changelogs/CHANGELOG.rst) has been released! ## COMMUNITY UPDATES [cybette](https://matrix.to/#/@cybette:ansible.im) shared > ### Ansible User Group Japan > > There's an active user group for Japanese speaking Ansible community members. If you are interested to join, please check out the [Japanese community homepage](https://ansible-users.connpass.com/) and follow their [twitter account](https://twitter.com/angrypotato_jp)! ### Maintainers [↗](https://github.com/ansible-community) Maintainers help to run the community! [andersson007_](https://matrix.to/#/@andersson007_:matrix.org) contributed > We are happy to announce that Roger Sicart ([rsicart](https://github.com/rsicart) on GitHub) has joined our maintainer club for the `community.mysql` collection. Our congratulations, Roger, and thank you for the great contribution! :) [andersson007_](https://matrix.to/#/@andersson007_:matrix.org) contributed > We are happy to announce that the `community.libvirt` collection has found a new maintainer - Chris Smart (csmart on [GitHub](https://github.com/csmart)/IRC). Our congratulations, Chris, and thank you! :) ## THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in [#social:ansible.com](https://matrix.to/#/#social:ansible.com)! See you next time!