--- author: John Westcott date: 2018-05-31 00:00 UTC description: Demo showing how easy it is to integrate the Ansible Tower and Jenkins using Ansible Tower-CLI. lang: en-us title: Connect Ansible Tower and Jenkins in under 5 minutes --- # Connect Ansible Tower and Jenkins in under 5 minutes We often hear from customers that they are using Jenkins in some capacity or another. And since I'm a consultant, I'm lucky to hear first hand what our customers are using and how they need to integrate Ansible Tower. There has always been a way to integrate the Ansible Tower and Jenkins using [tower-cli](https://github.com/ansible/tower-cli), but I thought there could be a neater, closer to native, way of doing it. So here we go. I've recorded this short screencast to show you just how easy it is: > The screencast is not currently available. You can find helpful material in the links below or on the Ansible community forum: https://forum.ansible.com/tag/awx Below you will find a few links from the video and a link to how to try Ansible Tower. [plugins.jenkins.io/ansible-tower](http://plugins.jenkins.io/ansible-tower) [wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Ansible+Tower+Plugin](http://wiki.jenkins.io/display/jenkins/ansible+tower+plugin)